So, i got this coolio keyboard protector for my Macbook. Note I put PRO in brackets because only rich people can afford macbook pros.
Anyways, some cool things, the thing itself is 1mm thick and to be honest, when you put it on, it looks really hot; the thing looks near invisible, until you type on it.
I must say, the keyboard typing experience is slightly bogged down, but i guess its the price to pay for having ultimate protection for your all hot plastic keyboard. I spilt water on it to test how cool the protection would be, and it was amazing.
Its expensive, but hey kevlar suits are expensive too. 28 bucks at the Apple store beside Future Shop on Broadway.
na ez nagyon jó lehet!
The bigest Hindu festival Diwali 2017 is going to held on 19th October.
Be ready to celebrate the festival of Light.
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