9:26 PM

Year-End Stress

Posted by klu. - Jun 2, 2009

(secret potion involved, but illegal in North America. best find it on mars or the internets.)

1. Study hard, play harder. Play way harder than you study, then realize that you got pwnd. Go back to studying feeling satisfied you at least tried to play harder.

2. Fuel your OCD by outlining each word in your textbook a different colour, then retracing it to see if you ever make BLACK. (Because everyone knows all the highlighters put together makes this giant hole -- a BLACK hole.)

3. Sharpen those pencils until all the trees in your neighbourhood are cut down so you can have more pencils. (Beware of the 2B! Repeat with me: "HB is my best friend. 2B is an ENEMY.")

4. Numbers don't really define your personality, your taste in music or that impeccable happy face you made in your pasta the other day. They do matter lots if you wanna have all of that AND a good future. (Not saying that drawing happyfaces all day won't give you a good future. Seriously - why would you even THINK that?!)

5. Blog about it. Blog about stress. Rant about life. Have the biggest brain fart and pretend nobody noticed.

7. Learn how to count. It helps a lot.

8. Your buddies Alkanes and Alkenes and Alkynes will always be waiting for you. Turning the page and pretending they don't exist only works until you're smart enough to realize...they're FOLLOWING you.

9. Read an inspirational biography about someone that slacked off and miss all your exams. Problem solved.

10. Technically, humans can live off of caffeine and not have to sleep ... for about 3 days, until you crash. And BURN. So studying 3 days before your year-end final, comprised of five components, three of them essays and two others thesises on how you successfully lead a good life every day, full of sleep...

Ye-no. On second thought...

[Hope nobody took this seriously. Very tongue in cheek. Just really needed to let off some steam about all these numbers and percentages and awards and year-end worries.]

Soak up the sun and get some Vitamin D, kiddos. A pale complexion is the first signs to all work and no play. (Jack told me so.)