10:42 PM

Facepalm in the News

Posted by each3ric - Dec 20, 2008

Guess which one shares their name with a fascist? I bet you'll be wrong.

What is wrong with some people?

Easton, PA. A man complains to a local newspaper over supposed misconduct of a grocery store which refused to put the name of his son on a birthday cake. Sounds unjust.

One problem: the 3 year old's name is Adolf Hitler Campbell.

"They need to accept a name. A name's a name. The kid's not going to grow up and do what Hitler did."

"No one else in the world will have that name," the father explained.

The father also insisted that he isn't racist or Neo-Nazi (despite his German soldier lineage), "Say [my son] grows up and hangs out with black people. That's fine, I don't really care."

Poor kid. Judging from the picture it looks like the father is a bit of a freak.

Adolf's siblings are named JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.

Aryan Nation? Not Neo-Nazi at all...

More facepalms in the news to come as they come in.


Grue said...

bwahaha poor kids

Anonymous said...

lol which one's the father

muffin said...

JoyceLynn (ahah thats how some ppl spell my name) xD

Happy said...

wow imagine... Adolf Tjia-Gan