8:03 PM

The Apple Brainwasher

Posted by Happy - Dec 16, 2008

In some corner of the Earth, known only to Apple people - (Mac Genius?), there is a very special machine. This machine, perhaps no larger than a 20-inch iMac, does all the brainwashing. Perhaps it's located in Silicon Valley, California, where its headquarter resides. Perhaps it's located in Eric's basement, awaiting his graduation. Perhaps it comes to life every night and adds on an extra 2% onto Christen's grades. Noone will ever know.

I wake up one day and I find myself to be fairly hungry. But more importantly, I found myself craving for apple products.

Who knows what it was.
Maybe it was those very clever apple ads.
Maybe it was the brainwashing machine
Maybe it was the continuous pressing of CTRL ALT DELETE
Maybe it was the deeply scaring BSOD

You have been warned.


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for you. Brainwashed by the ads.

Anonymous said...

#&$in dependant on technology now are you.